Keepin' It Simple Friday Five
Here's the RevGalBlogPals F5, short and sweet.
The questions are simple, the answers unlimited. Go!
Who: Ex-boyfriend
What: A blind date and almost a year.
When: 1993
Where: West Lafayette, IN
Why: Because...after bad, good is easy to recognize.
Bonus: How: I'm not sure how, sometimes these things just happen.
There's at least a short story in there!
hmmmmm ... verrrrry interrrresting
deffinetly interesting!
Hmmmm. We need DETAILS!!! (just kidding!)
certainly causes one to be curious! hmmmm....
Ah, more questions...
Well, I'm very, very familiar with West Lafayette (at least I was 25 years ago) but I am intrigued with the rest!
[Go 'Boilers!]
Keep em guessing! But if you did want to visit, I'm at - sorry the link didn't work!
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